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Team Science

Multi-disciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary collaboration has become increasingly prevalent in scientific disciplines and is gaining traction in humanistic fields as well. Proficiency in identifying, leading, managing, and supporting teams is integral to crafting successful proposals for sponsored project awards. Below are resources that serve as valuable starting points for enhancing collaborative team science processes and outcomes.

Training Materials

Team Development

Managing Conflict in Teams

Conflict is a normal part of a team's process, and when navigated effectively can actually be a benefit to the team's work. 

This video created by Case Western Reserve CTSC explores potential sources of conflict on interdisciplinary research teams and offers strategies for managing conflict as well as tools to help prevent conflict before it occurs.

How to Handle Conflict in Teams: Lessons from Scientific Collaborations - advice on how to handle conflict in teams from Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School

Team Dynamics: Handling Conflict – guide to conflict management from the George Washington University

Collaboration and Team Science: A Field Guide contains examples of conflict resolution plans.

Tools for Productively Managing Conflict. (Zucker, 2012). This publication contains step by step instructions on how to handle conflict within a team after it has come to the surface.

Leadership and Management Tools

These resources are especially helpful for team and center leaders who want to explore best practices in management and leadership. The tools provided can also inform the development of Management and Collaboration plans for proposals.